

We love English! Our pupils are enthused and inspired by off-site trips, which have included the zoo and the theatre, museums and theme parks!

Reading is for everyone: our fully-stocked library spans a range of age-suitable and topic-specific texts, made even more accessible by our wealth of audio and visual resources to engage each pupil according to their individual need.

Technology, including laptops, iPads and VR headsets, play an integral part in understanding the context and setting of stories and GCSE texts, with both English Language and English Literature GCSEs being offered and passed by our pupils.


Our English Curriculum is sequenced to enable the understanding and learning of skills needed to: enjoy a full range of texts; access and understand written information; and communicate with fluency and accuracy in writing, speaking and listening. All pupils gain qualifications in English as GCSE or Functional Skills Levels 1 or 2.


Our pupils learn, and teachers teach using a wide range of strategies including: discussions and debates; mini-workshops; re-enactment and role-play; film and live theatre; reading aloud, silently and being read to; exploring cultural capital and researching context; writing including a focus on phonics; and describing what is observed through the senses. Tasks are differentiated and accessed through a ‘stage not age’ approach.


Some pupils gain GCSE grades level 4 or above, while most achieve a GCSE grade consummate with their ability which is usually beyond what was deemed possible from their baseline measurement. We are hugely proud of all that our pupils achieve. Most pupils are able to develop detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum offered in English. All leave with a level of English sufficient to proceed into further education or the workplace and to become a positively-contributing member of society.

We love English! Our pupils are enthused and inspired by off-site trips, which have included the zoo and the theatre, museums and theme parks!

Reading is for everyone: our fully-stocked library spans a range of age-suitable and topic-specific texts, made even more accessible by our wealth of audio and visual resources to engage each pupil according to their individual needs.

Technology, including laptops, iPads and VR headsets, play an integral part in understanding the context and setting of stories and GCSE texts, with both English Language and English Literature GCSEs being offered and passed by our pupils.

The English Department aims to:

  • Instil a love of reading across a range of genres
  • Inspire and develop writing for all purposes
  • Initiate confidence and clarity in communication
  • Interact with the curriculum through a multimedia approach
  • Involve pupils in their next steps in learning

Curriculum Map - English Language                    Curriculum Map - English Literature                      English Policy

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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