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As part of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards, year 10 pupils successfully completed the 3 Peaks challenge, climbing the highest 3 mountains in the United Kingdom. Over 5 days, Muntham House School pupils and staff worked extremely hard climbing the following mountains:
1. Ben Nevis mountain in Scotland 1,345 meters
2. Scafell Pike mountain in England 978 meters
3. Snowdon mountain in Wales 1,085 meters
The 3 Peaks challenge was certainly a test both physically and mentally for all, however, with great determination and perseverance all pupils and staff successfully completed this challenge. A wonderful experience was had by all providing lifelong memories and amazing views from the summit of each mountain. This challenge proves just how much can be achieved with hard work and determination.
Well done to all pupils and staff for successfully completing this challenge!

Muntham House School had a very unexpected emergency landing of a magnificent Virgin Hot Air Balloon.
Amazing how big these balloons are up close and the wonderful spectacle our local neighbours to see. We helped the balloon team collapse the balloon safely. This is the first time in the schools history we have ever had a hot air balloon on our school fields.
Please click on the video below to access the Virtual Tour and I hope you will enjoy seeing all Muntham House School.
Please click on the video below to access the Virtual Tour and I hope you will enjoy seeing all Muntham House School.
World Book Day is the biggest celebration of its kind. The aim of it is to celebrate authors, books, illustrators and - of course - reading! To help young people to do that, book tokens are given out at schools.
Muntham House School celebrated World Book Day, by the pupils coming in dressed as their favourite book character. All pupils were provided with a £2 voucher to purchase a book. Our Primary classes really enjoyed dressing up and fully enjoyed the day.

It has been great to see our pupils back enjoying school and making the most of the opportunities available to them. The staff team have continued to work hard to reconnect with the pupils and re-engage them with their learning in the classroom, helping them settle back into the routines and rules of school once again. Pupils and staff have appreciated being back at school and seeing their friends again.
We have maintained high levels of attendance, last week whole school attendance was 96% which is a higher percentage than the national average for mainstream schools. It is so important after this past year considering how much pupils have missed, that all pupils attend school every day to catch up on their learning.
Pupils have welcomed our new goats Candy and Nora enjoying walking, grooming and caring for the goats. The goats have had a positive impact on our pupils. The school has also purchased eight hand reared chickens of various different breeds and varieties from a local West Sussex farm. Pupils who are interested, will have the opportunity to collect eggs and feed the chickens and learn more about nature.
I hope that you all have a lovely break over half term and enjoy some good quality family time. We all look forward to pupils returning to school on Tuesday 8th June.
Best wishes
Mr Anderson
Please click on the video below to access the Virtual Tour and I hope you will enjoy seeing all Muntham House School.
World Book Day is the biggest celebration of its kind. The aim of it is to celebrate authors, books, illustrators and - of course - reading! To help young people to do that, book tokens are given out at schools.
Muntham House School celebrated World Book Day, by the pupils coming in dressed as their favourite book character. All pupils were provided with a £2 voucher to purchase a book. Our Primary classes really enjoyed dressing up and fully enjoyed the day.

All pupils and staff were encouraged to wear red to school for a small donation to Red Nose Day. Pupils had the opportunity to participate in different activities throughout the day.
The pupils enjoyed the day and had great satisfaction in helping others, giving them a sense of worth and pride. Well done to all for the amount of money raised.
Red Nose Day donations help tackle important issues including homelessness, hunger, domestic abuse and mental health stigma, all of which have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

It was great to see so many pupils dressing up in character to celebrate world book day. Pupils and staff alike dressed as characters from their favourite books.
This day was another opportunity to celebrate literature and a love of learning for pupils at Muntham House School

4th March 2021
Please see the latest letter from the principals regarding returning to school on Monday 8th March 2021.
23rd February 2021
Please see the latest letter from the principal regarding returning to school.
7th January 2021
Please see the latest letter from the Principal regarding Online Learning.
4th January 2021
Please see the latest letter from the Principal regarding COVID-19 and the closure of school.
Closure Letter - 4th January 2021
3rd January 2021
Please see the latest letter from the Principal regarding COVID-19 and the Test and Trace System. Also revised Return to School Dates.
Letter to Parents and Carers - 3rd January 2021
1st January 2021
Please see the latest letter from the Principal regarding COVID-19 and returning to school on 5th January 2021.
Letter to Parents - 1st January 2021
18th December 2020
Please see the latest letter from the Principal regarding COVID-19 and procedures to following during the Christmas Holidays.
6th October 2020
Please see the latest letter from the Principal regarding COVID-19 and School absence due to quarantine after foreign travel letter.
29th September 2020.
Please see the latest letter from the Principal regarding COVID-19 and the Test and Trace NHS letter below.
Letter to Parents from Mr Anderson, Principal
For Updates from our Principal on the Coronavirus please see the attached link
Please see the attached link from the Government regarding Educational settings, this is updated daily.
If you are concerned about the Coronavirus, please click the attached link and this will provide you with the up to date advice.

Year 11 Parents / Carers, Please note that Muntham House School will not be opening for exam results collection this year.
This is due to the continuing COVID-19 situation and the need to reduce infection and maintain social distance etc.
This is a shame as it's always lovely to see the pupils get their well-earned results. However, I know how hard our pupils have worked towards their GCSE examinations.
This year we will therefore be sending these out via email and also posting the results 1st class on the morning of 20th August 2020.

Prevent came into Muntham House School on Monday morning to hold a training session for Staff and they also kindly came in again on Tuesday and held an assembly for our pupils.
They gave great insight into the prevention of radicalisation and violent extremism involving safeguarding vulnerable individuals from being radicalised into extremist behaviour and attitudes. Anyone from any area, ethnic group, socio-economic background, age group, gender can be in a vulnerable place for a variety of reasons and so be susceptible to radicalisation. This can happen in small villages as well as in big cities in any part of the country and the reach of the online world can be appealing for people when at their most isolated and vulnerable.
As a school we have a part to play in preventing radicalisation and violent extremism. This is why the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a Public Duty on all schools and local authorities to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.
The staff found the talk extremely beneficial and I know that all pupils came away with a much greater understanding.

I am delighted to confirm that entries for the engage in their future 2020 Football Tournament can now be submitted.
This is an exciting new national tournament for special schools, with our region heats taking place at
Muntham House School
on Wednesday 22nd April.
For the schools that qualify, the finals tournament will be held on
Thursday 30th April
St George’s Park, home to all 27 England teams. St George’s in Burton on Trent, provides world-class facilities
The winners will receive a trophy and there will also be awards presented to players/teams that demonstrate sportsmanship and embody the spirit of the game.
To find out more infomation Eitf National Football Tournament 2020 and Eitf 2020 Football Tournament T&Cs

This performance is suitable for everyone but particularly for people with autism spectrum conditions, learning disabilities and other sensory and communication disorders.
Patrons with additional needs are welcome at any performance in the theatre, however, if you think you or your companions would enjoy a more relaxed environment, Relaxed Performances offer specific support for you.

If your child was not vaccinated at school and is in Year 6 or below, please take a look at the attached letter and take this to one of the clinics advertised.
It is important that all children are vaccinated.